By Ernest Mandel, edited by Gertjan Desmet & Hendrik Patroons - 290 pages
by Au Loong Yu with contributions from Bai Ruixue, Bruno Jetin & Pierre Rousset, 2012
Not available
by Ozlem Onaran, Michel Husson, John Rees, Claudio Katz et al., Summer 2011 - 282 pages
the transitional program for socialist revolution and other writings by Leon Trotsky, Daniel Bensaïd, John Riddell, Duncan Hallas, James Burnham & Michel Pablo pages 240
Not available
by Daniel Bensaid, Alain Krivine, Alda Sousa, Alan Thornett et al, May 2011 - 208 pages
by Pierre Frank - 282 pages
by Penelope Duggan ed. - 225 pages
Edité et presenté par Penelope Duggan
by D. R. O’Connor Lysaght ed. - 112 pages
Not available