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New publication: Marxists against Stalinism

24 October 2022

As the USSR disintegrated in 1990 and 1991, the Socialist Workers Party and the Fourth International took different views of the impending privatizations. Marxists Against Stalinism brings together powerful contributions from Ernest Mandel and Chris Harman in the long-running debate on the class nature of the USSR.  Chris Harman argued that Soviet Union and the other “socialist” countries were bureaucratic state-capitalisms.

November 8, book presentation: ''Climate Change as Class War. Building Socialism on a Warming Planet''

14 October 2022

In his book, Huber analyses the struggle against the deepening of the climate crisis as a form of class struggle. In Climate Change as Class War, Huber shows how the ecological crisis must be understood as a consequence of an economic system based on exploitation. The climate struggle, Huber argues, is not a cultural battle against those who produce the most emissions - whether rich individuals or rich countries - but a class struggle against those responsible for the production of fossil fuels. This carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted.

1964: Ernest Mandel: Mercantile Categories in the Period of Transition

4 October 2022

This article article originally appeared in the January 1964 issue of Nuestra Industria, the journal of the Cuban Ministry of Industry, headed by Che Guevara. Ernest Mandel and Charles Bettelheim had been requested by the Cuban government to give their ideas on socialist construction in what became known as "the Great Debate''. This translation was originally published in: Bertram Silverman (ed.) Man and Socialism in Cuba. The Great Debate (1971).

Economic Categories and Historical Reality


Popular masses in the bourgeois revolution of the Southern Netherlands (1565-1585, 1789-1794, 1830)

19 September 2022

Naturally one cannot reduce the political struggles that characterized the three successive phases of the bourgeois, national-democratic revolutions in the Southern Netherlands (those of the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries) to purely or essentially religious and constitutional conflicts.i One must lay bare the socio-economic motivations and components of these struggles. This may sound banal. For some contemporary historians, however, it is far from self-evident.

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