1955. Ernest Mandel: The discussion on the trade-union question in the Bolshevik party (1920-1921)
3 April 2023Any serious discussion in a Marxist organization has two aspects.i It is born of ongoing events and tends to respond to a need for action born from the same events. In this respect, any discussion which is not artificial is inevitably partly pragmatic. But the answer given and the method which determines it become part of the whole of Marxist theory, and in one way or another modify the ideas—and the action—of future generations of Marxists, and even the answers given by the same generation to future questions.
1986. Ernest Mandel: What is the theory of permanent revolution?
27 March 2023For eighty years, the theory of permanent revolution has been the object of a permanent debate inside the international labour and revolutionary movement.i A great number of articles and books have been devoted to the discussion. A significant number of revolutions and counter-revolutions have. occurred in the less developed countries of the world in which this theory could be tested in the light of real historical development.
Marx, Engels y el problema de la doble moral
22 March 2023A menudo se ha acusado a Marx y Engels de defender un doble rasero y de tener una doble moral. Se supone que ambos se oponían a aplicar a la lucha de clases los mismos principios éticos que suelen regular las relaciones entre individuos. De ahí la acusación de que ellos y sus discípulos (Lenin y Trotsky, entre otros) propugnaban el principio de que en la lucha de clases “el fin justifica los medios”.
Preparando el IIRF para el futuro - llamado a donaciones
17 March 2023Nuestro Instituto fue fundado por Ernest Mandel en 1982 y ha desarrollado una intensa actividad desde entonces. Durante más de tres décadas, el Instituto Internacional de Investigación y de Formación (IIRF, iire.org) ha organizado cursos educativos, seminarios y debates, dirigidos a activistas sociales y políticos de todo el mundo. Para mantener el IIRE como un espacio único para la educación socialista, estamos lanzando una campaña financiera.
1994. Ernest Mandel: All power to the workers' councils
14 February 2023Council socialism is a social order in which the mass of the population itself decides in a self-governing, self-determining manner what is produced, how production takes places, and how a decisive part of the results of this production is no longer distributed via the market, but according to the principle of satisfying needs.i