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Support the IIRE youth school 2023!

24 July 2023

This summer, the IIRE organizes again an international school for young socialist activists. This youth school is a unique opportunity for activists to come together, learn, exchange experiences and build networks. 

In recent years, our regular program of yearly youth schools was interrupted by the pandemic. Fortunately, we are now able to return to our regular rhythm of educational courses 

No 74. Uprising: the October Rebellion in Ecuador

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Uprising in Ecuador

UPRISING is a detailed description and analysis of the Indigenous-led uprising of October 2019 in Ecuador, written by three people deeply involved in the revolt. The lead author, Leonidas Iza, came to national prominence as one of the central leaders of the rebellion.

New Publication: Hope and Marxism. Historical and Theoretical Essays

26 May 2023

The third volume in our series of selected essays by Ernest Mandel is now available. This book collects essays exploring Marxist theory and history. Most of the texts are newly translated. Essays include historical examinations of Rosa Luxemburg’s place in the German workers movement, the development of the bourgeois state, and of the roots of Nazi violence. Other chapters discuss Marx’s notions of progress, alienation and emancipation, Luxemburg’s views on political economy and political strategy.

No 76. Hope and Marxism. Historical and Theoretical Essays

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Hope & Marxism

This book collects essays exploring Marxist theory and history. Most of the texts are newly translated. Essays include historical examinations of Rosa Luxemburg’s place in the German workers movement, the development of the bourgeois state, and of the roots of Nazi violence. Other chapters discuss Marx’s notions of progress, alienation and emancipation, Luxemburg’s views on political economy and political strategy. Also included are engagements with Ernst Bloch, analytical Marxism and Althusser, as well as a pioneering essay on Marxism and ecology.

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© IIRE 2025

The IIRE is an international foundation,
recognised in Belgium as an
international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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The Netherlands

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